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Single origin cold brew concentrate
Single origin cold brew concentrate
Single origin cold brew concentrate

Cold Brew Concentrate

A Smooth, Sweet & Fruity Elixir to Awaken Your Soul

Cold Brew Concentrate

A Smooth, Sweet & Fruity Elixir to Awaken Your Soul

Plant Variety: Caturra

Flavor Notes: Chocolate, plum, guava, red fruits, citric acid, tangerine.

Origin: Tolima, Colombia

Select Size

16 oz
32 oz



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The pour-over method is celebrated in the specialty coffee industry for its ability to highlight the subtle flavors and aromas of coffee. The Origami dripper, with its 20 ribs (grooves), creates a gap between the dripper and the filter paper, allowing hot water to flow smoothly and accommodating a variety of brewing styles. This design ensures proper extraction, bringing out the best characteristics of the coffee beans. Just imagine the glorious Pucker Punch's Colombian Coffee's fruity notes shining through this ritual.

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Origami Pour Over

The final cup, blessed by the coffee gods, will be a revelation of emphasized sweetness and perfectly balanced flavors.

brewing guide

Coffee: 18 g

Water Temperature: 200 °F

Coffee-to-Water ratio: 1:17

Brewing Time: 4:00 mins

Grind: 900 UM


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